Organizational Chart
Memo To: SCAS Membership
From: SCAS Board of Directors
Date: June 7, 2020
Subject: Election of Board Members for Year 2020-2021
The Coronavirus has affected many of the normal operations of organizations and businesses in our country and community. We have not been able to hold any of our normal functions nor activities such as Exchange Programs with our Sister Cities, Monthly Luncheons, Afternoon Speakers Bureau or Meet & Greets. We also normally hold our annual election for the Sister Cities Association of Sarasota (SCAS) Board of Directors at our May luncheon. However due to the restrictions imposed by the health concerns we are requesting that we do not hold our normal election procedure for the SCAS Board Officers for the 2020-2021 annual appointments, but rather, reinstate all our current board members who are willing to continue in their current position for another year.
Since voting by our membership for the Board of Directors is specified in our SCAS bylaws we are requesting that our membership approve the proposed reinstatement of all our current board members who are willing to continue in their current position for another year. We would appreciate your response if you do not wish SCAS to proceed with this approach for appointment of our 2020-2021 SCAS Board of Directors. We have attached the current Board of Directors Organizational Chart for your review. Thank You.
Respectively Submitted,
Toni Duval
Sister Cities Association of Sarasota
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